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Using real datasets, students will learn how to use Stata to read and manipulate data, and to produce reliable results. The course will therefore focus on the practical aspect of data anaylsis rather than econometric theory. The course will also highlight many common pitfalls that beginning researchers often fall into. This course aims to encourage students to pursue truth and righteousness while learning how to be an unbiased and independent thinkerEnglish0121032甠聣蟸Nmf[MicroeconomicsMaster 鯯uQ3.0 Fall/Winter,g zYe坈甠聣蟸Nmf[剉鶺@x鍂茓0,g z颯錘R:N N*N钀R0枡HQ b霳\▼簨汷賬孴桞l錘蔛vQ諲砆歔^:W蟸NmGWa垊v鶺,g汻蠎0vQ!k b霳\f[`NN*N(uegR恎lQ鳶gsOu砆V{剉Fh秅0gT b霳\f[`NN T剉^:W觺刧錘蔛購汵^:W觺刧鵞lQ鳶L圍N剉q_蚑0,g z剉`骮?e籰崌T筽(W嶯鵚{Qf[u\O:N>yONXT剉>yO#嶜Na.This course teaches the fundamentals of microeconomics. This course can be divided into three parts. First, we will discuss supply and demand and other basic forces that determine an equilibrium in a market economy. Second, you will learn a framework for analyzing firms decisions about optimal production. Third, you will learn about different market structures and the impact of those market structures on firms behavior. Ideological and political integration point of this course is to cultivate students' sense of social responsibility as a member of society. 1. Introduce the frontier of advanced economics; 2. Enable students to understand the development of advanced economics; 3. Allow students to have ability to do research in advanced economics. 0121031廩聣蟸Nmf[Macroeconomics坙傇,g z蜰t簨N瀃翄$N筫b棦c"}廩聣蟸Nmf[-N剉蛻亯顣槝0匭筟;N亯R:N蟸Nm瀀晫T蟸Nm鈒≧$N'YWW0蟸Nm瀀曡R薔蛜蟸Nm瀀晞vN汵鶺,g婲瀃0蟸xQ!j媁孴匭u瀀?j媁0蟸Nm鈒≧钀R;N亯薔蛜w瀃FUNhTgt簨 蜰坢90昩D01YNI{Y*N覊R恎0 zgT薔蛜'^?eV{(W廩聣蟸Nm-N剉\O(u0衏紁,g z鴙sQ剉瞼篘CQ } 煴Rf[u藌硩-N齎'Y0W蹚Lxvz'`f[`N 鵚{Qf[u"}*g鍂0龔Blwt剉#嶜Na孴O}Ta 肙蹚f[u(W陙;Nf[`N0eP穅b0#嶜N舃S_0瀃鯈R癳I{筫b棗_0R裇U\0The course explores theoretical and empirical issues of central importance for macroeconomics. The major topics covered in the course include economic growth, consumption and savings, investment, business cycle fluctuations, unemployment, the relationship between monetary policy and output, and optimal monetary policy. The course emphasizes the implications of macroeconomic theory for macroeconomic data. Readings include selected chapters from the textbook, class notes, and research articles.0121026 N蟸Nmt簨N?eV{&Industrial Economics Theory and Policy恄Y卲QWinter 購钑剉;N亯顅剉/f薔蛜蚐刉璭剉蟸Nmf[t簨 v^薔蛜皊瀃>yO-NT*N齎禰孴0W:SsQ嶯蚐刉璭剉誰媉誰膲孴;N亯?eV{ 蔛薔蛜孴R恎N汵蟸xQ剉sQ嶯蚐刉璭誰媉誰膲剉Hh婳0鍿Y貜薔蛜昩Dx裇孴鍂茓Cg錘蔛Q軂He擽孴Q軂罷0,g z祄講剉;N亯匭筟 g1.aSyr\孴2N 2.4ls^Tv^3.(WMO係FUb楖[蹚eQ係FUZ羳剉V{eu4.俉魐鴙sQ^:W5.係FU剉昩Dx裇6.鍂茓Cg軴7.Q軂He擽孴Q軂罷0 z煴Rf[u擽(u z-Nf[0R剉鍂茓 R恎-N齎N蟸Nm裇U\-Nb?N剉:gGNcb 藌硩-N齎蟸Nm裇U\ 煴Rf[u陙;NR癳 瀀:_ 蟸NNml 剉#嶜Na 鬴}Y0W昩珟嶯b齎蟸Nm鷁緥N裇U\0 s u | ~ !We will mainly study the economic theory of competition policy, and briefly introduce the law of competition policy in the real world, and we will also analyze some case studies of competition law. We also introduce firm's incentive for R&D and intellectual property. Finally, we introduce network effects and network goods. The topics we will cover include: Cartels and tacit collusion; Horizontal mergers; Strategic incumbents and entry; Vertically related markets; Innovation and R&D; Intellectual property; Network effects and network goods.0121039-N齎褢崌N"?e China Finance and Public FinanceH柈sSpring/Summer  0-N齎褢崌N"?e 0/fbT蟸Nmf[b桚VExvzuy橆v剉NN z0,g z鑕(WTwQ g齎E柼€of剉xvzu薔蛜-N齎剉褢崌孴"?e剉哠騍蔛皊秗0 z,{N钀R:N"?e钀R HQ薔蛜-N齎剉?e籰N"?e6R蔛vQ豐翉 彇T@w蛻薔蛜-N齎剉z崒Tz6R,▼?e淾6e/e0z6eN蟸Nm瀀0lQqQ/e鶴N>yO弝)R軴湒剉sQ鹼0 z,{孨钀R:N褢崌钀R \鵞-N齎褢崌^:W剉N汵蛻亯俰鮛蹚L埶N蛜 S靊'^蔛'^6R0FUN鰯L0)R噑0YGl6R孴D?g^:W 鑕(Wf[u哊銐-N齎褢崌^:W剉裇U\哠騍0皊秗孴yr筽0鍿Y 惽忶[褢崌qS:g孴癳蹚褢崌褃€b剉薔蛜 哊銐褢崌^:WN-N齎廩聣蟸Nm剉sQ鹼0 j < The course China Finance and Public Finance is designed to provide background knowledge of China's finance and public finance to those international students from the China Economics program. The public finance part starts with the introduction of China s fiscal reforms, its evolution and the influences. Followed by the taxation system, government revenue and public expenditure, and how they affect economic growth and social welfare. The finance part introduces impoartant concepts in China's financial market, including money and money system, commercial banks, interest rate, exchange rate regime and capital market, so that students can have a better understanding on the history, status quo and characteristics of Chinese financial market. Additionally, together with introduction of financial crisis and recent development of FinTech, the finance part also shows the relationship between financial market and macroeconomic activities in China.0121037 -N齎9eiN蟸Nm裇U\'China's Reform and Economic DevelopmentSpring 0-N齎9eiN蟸Nm裇U\ 0/fN钑xvzu4ls^剉蟸Nmf[ z 鑕(W:N汵鵞-N齎9ei_>e孴蟸Nm裇U\ g蹚NekxvztQ剉f[u衏汷c黐0,g z\惽忶[-N齎1978t^9e_>e錘eg剉N鹼R9ei棯c絜孴蟸Nm裇U\b1\剉駇eQR恎 N臢Of[u齹Yt銐-N齎蟸NmSS妽b1\剉烻郪  €N肙Of[u霳蜰N*NteSOFh秅鶴裇t銐-N齎剉蟸Nm6R豐i楀N蔛匭(W≧郪0 z\珗R:N N*N;N亯钀R1 -N齎陙1978t^9ei_>e錘eg剉蛻'Y蟸Nm裇U\b1\2 鵞b齎蟸Nm裇U\湝f剉 -N齎yrr 蹚L?N(寗v蟸Nmf[t簨銐蕬3 ▼簨-N齎蟸Nm*geg裇U\b?N剉蛻亯cb0 D H This is a graduate level course for those who are interested in research on China s reform and Chinese economic development. The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding of Chinese economy and the reform since 1978, which not only provides some explanation of stylized facts on the Chinese economic take-off after reform, but also offers a unified framework for understanding the dynamics of institutional change and its driving forces. The materials are divided into three modules: (i) The brief history of China and the Chinese Economic Miracle since 1978, which focus on some stylized facts; (ii) theoretical explanation of stylized facts and understanding of the reform with  Chinese Characteristics ; (iii) issues and prospective of the future.0123139蟸Nm剺Km筫誰Applied Forecasting Methods乭薙巸M ,g z;N亯sQ鑜(W蟸NmR恎菑 z-N擽(u剺Km筫誰 擽(u剺Km筫誰/f鰁魰廭RR恎剉N*N蛻亯膥b钀R0鍕 z/f鶺嶯R蠎蟸Nmf[ 錘蔛-N蠎蟸Nmf[:N鶺@x_緥剉xvzu z0 蟸Nm剺Km(W皊瀃u;m-N蟸8^裇u S靊(WFUN0蟸Nm0?e淾0褢崌I{啒遅0,g z\O薔蛜N剺Km鴙sQ剉蠎鰁魰廭R!j媁0筫誰0 b霳O祄講^踠剉槝顅 S靊剺Km剉鶺,g俰鮛 媿縍鷁!jN剺Km, c[倐'`鷁!jN剺Km, hTg剉'`(峢Tg鷁!jMA0ARNARMA!j媁, hTg剺Km, 鼅TS+T媿縍0c[倐孴hTgbR剉剺Km!j媁, 剺Km剉膵0ON膥TI{0 T鰁 煴Rf[u鶺嶯 z匭筟 擽(u蟸Nm剺Km筫誰 藌硩-N齎'Y0W蹚Lxvz'`f[`N 鵚{Qf[u"}*g鍂0龔Blwt剉#嶜Na孴O}Ta 肙蹚f[u(W陙;Nf[`N0eP穅b0#嶜N舃S_0瀃鯈R癳I{筫b棗_0R裇U\0 P Q BThis course is designed as a sequel to Introduction to Econometrics and Intermediate Econometrics, and focuses on forecasting. Forecasting is important, as forecasts are constantly made in business, economics, government, finance, and many other fields and much depends on them. This course will introduce you to econometric time-series models and methods that can be used to generate forecasts. A wide range of topics are going to be covered, including basic concepts of forecasting, forecasting trends and seasonality, ARIMA processes, combination of forecasts, evaluation of forecasts. Upon successful completion of this course, the students are expected to master basic properties of modern forecasting models, and be able to skillfully select appropriate forecasting models to fit real data sets and generate their own forecasts.0123135貧Mu罷Advanced Derivatives啔tQ齎 Mu罷/fhQt褢崌^:W-N裇U\g隷剉啒遅02010t^ hQtMu罷剉^ €     ' i j Derivative securities are the most rapidly growing area in the global financial market. In 2010, the notional global market value of derivatives was USD 605 trillion, 10 times world GDP. That of primary financial assets was only twice world GDP. Given the growing lar< ge size of the derivative market, a careful and in-depth study on derivative securities becomes very important to researchers and practitioners. The purpose of this course is to provide a comprehensive analysis on advanced derivatives market and option pricing theory. It consists of two parts, in which the first part focuses on the market while the second one focuses on the pricing theory. The classical literature and current research will be introduced during the process of learning both parts.0111128 貧壒e蟸Nmf[MR縧Advanced Topics in EconomicsPhDXo隭軓貧壒e蟸Nmf[MR縧/f壒e蟸Nmf[8h胈臺頞 z0,g z\RN槝薔蛜壒e蟸Nmf[剉MR縧xvz S靊廩聣蟸Nmf[N槝0甠聣蟸Nmf[N槝0D崘nN痵僗蟸Nmf[N槝I{0 z匭筟N貧甠聣蟸Nmf[0貧廩聣蟸Nmf[孴貧蠎蟸Nmf[扤e f[u哊銐壒e蟸Nmf[剉貧MR縧xvz 鵚{Q孴衏貧袕(upef[錧wQ蹚L埾~Nmf[xvz剉齹汻0IThe course aims to enable students who have the basis of advanced microeconomics, advanced macroeconomics, and advanced econometrics to understand some advanced topics in economics. In the course, advanced topics in environmental and resource economics, advanced topics in macroeconomics, and advanced topics in microeconomics will be introduced. More formally, the purpose of this course is: 1. Introduce the frontier of advanced economics; 2. Enable students to understand the development of advanced economics; 3. Allow students to have ability to do research in advanced economics.0121042xvzu簨噀橯\OGraduate Thesis Writingjl鞐1.0h,g钑 zb霳\f[`N俌UO橯\O蟸Nmf[剉xvz簨噀0b霳Of[`N俌UO~bf[/g簨噀剉槝錘蔛N,?`橯\O鷁畫0購钑\@w蛻矉$N{|簨噀橯\Ot簨蟸Nm簨噀孴瀃翄蟸Nm簨噀0b霳\f[`N購$N{|簨噀剉;N亯觺刧 錘蔛衏汷T钀R剉橯\O鷁畫0In this course, we study how to write an economic research paper. We will study how to find research topics and provide general tips for writing academic paper. The focus of this course includes two main parts: writing a theoretical economic paper and writing an empirical economic paper. The general organization of each type of paper will be discussed and specific writing guidelines will be taught.0111125 貧:S遅蟸Nmf[MR縧(Frontiers of Advanced Regional Economics媠譥颭 彇@whQtSN:S遅蟸NmNSOS剉N璭裇U\ :S遅蟸Nm裇U\鶴皊哊癳剉皊a寣T顣槝 鴙擽 :S遅蟸Nmf[1\b?N癳剉蛻'Y顣槝孴t簨MR縧xvz鸑0:S遅R錧t簨0詋儚O縍t簨0:S遅D崘nM憂t簨0:S遅鴙扤漁X[t簨0:S遅N裇U\孴l忹yt簨0:S遅zz魰eN齎E_>e0NR錧N)R蕍OS0Nl忹yN:S遅蟸Nm込塏汻I{郠*N筫b椈S`€0▼簨:S遅蟸Nm裇U\顣槝0 v w along with the development of globalization and regional integration, new problems emerged in regional economic development, and as the result, regional economy is facing key problem and theoretical forntiers. regional division theory, comparative advantage theory, and etc. are theoretical system of modern regional economics. and the resources endowment theory, scale economy theory, transaction cost theory, are theoretical cornerstone of modern regional economics.0121040-N齎N蟸NmChina Industrial Economics購钑 z\▼簨N膥莮t簨蔛vQ(W-N齎蟸Nm裇U\-N剉擽(u0b霳\▼簨^:W(W蟸Nm裇U\-N俌UO裇%c\O(u 錘蔛ON俌UOgOS陙馷剉L圍N  z蛻筽\>e(W^:W;NSOKN魰剉sQ鹼 N 購蛓sQ鹼鈋S靊込塏 _NS靊ON魰剉T\O0d枂Nt簨f[`NKNY b霳_N\▼簨wQSOHh婳 f[`N俌UO\t簨鍂茓袕(u嶯R恎-N齎蟸Nm裇U\ N0This course focuses on industrial organization theory as well as its applications in China. We will discuss the functioning of markets and the strategic behavior of firms. The focus is on the strategic relationships between organizations, including competitive and cooperative relationships among firms. The students are expected to understand the basic concepts and models we discuss in class, and also learn how to apply the theory to real-life cases in China.0113117 蟸Nmf[蠎SR恎筫誰孴擽(u<Quantitative Analysis in Economics: Methods and Applications Phd/Master恄z` ,g z鑕(WTf[u薔蛜N汵8^(u嶯Bl銐蟸Nm!j媁廩聣蟸Nm!j媁:N;N 剉pe ,g zN:N(W-N齎 g穬梍f[隭f[MO剉Y齎xvzu_緥0,g z剉鶺<O,g顅h/f.^㏑f[u哊銐-N齎齎E?f孴鵞Y昩D崉vt簨0beu06R0誰媉0?eV{0猚絜孴瀃鯈0,g z諎(W齎E栂~Nmf[剉h芉Fh秅匭 薔蛜孴R恎 gsQ-N齎齎E?f孴鵞Y昩D崉vt簨孴婲瀃0,g z蛻筽薔蛜9ei_>eN T6柕k-N齎齎E?f孴鵞Y昩D岻{筫b梽v裇U\孴yr筽0R恎哊l欿Q`;NIN孴-N齎yrr侢yO;NINt簨SO鹼(Wb齎鵞Y8f孴昩D崬[鯈裇U\-N剉蛻亯\O(u 栶弳N2012t^錘egb齎鵞Y8f聣鮛剉R癳孴beu豐S "}錘 N&^N飴 鷁緥:N;N縹 (WNLu蟸8岦h@\N璭豐S剉虁of N 0N蘙_>e匭祄 _R8f:_齎燫隷裇U\剉癳@\b 燫隷齎E枙bD?fSO6R剉蛻刧 貧h芉:S遅陙1u8fSO6R孴-N齎蟸Nm癳8^`鵞Y箯8fSO6R剉cb0 $This course is specially designed for foreign graduate students from oversea countries who did not receive their bachelor degree in China. The basic goal of this course lies in helping students to understand the theories, strategies, systems, laws, policies, measures and practices in the regime of China's international trade and foreign investment. This course tries to present and analyze the theories and facts about China's international trade and foreign investment in the standard framework of international economics. This focuses of this course are on the development and characteristics of China's international trade and foreign investment and other aspects through different stages during the reform and opening-up process. It also analyzes the vital role that Marxism and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics play in the development of China's foreign trade and investment practice, and explains the innovation of the foreign trade ideas as well as strategic changes since 2012. Besides, it explores the approaches to enriching the connotation of opening up and bringing about a new situation for an accelerated development of trade power, commanded by the building of the Belt and Road as part of the ongoing changes of the pattern taking place in the world economy and trade, the speeding-up reconstruction of systems of international investment and trade, the situation of multilateral trading system, which is challenged by high standard regional free trade systems and the new normal of the Chinese economy. By the end of the course, students are expected to: 1. Grasp the basic concepts of the international trade, foreign investment and economic reform in China 2. Get a further understanding of Chinese-style economic reform and driving forces of the economic growth in China 3. Develop a keen interest in issues related to international trade and foreign investment 4. Master a set of analytical tools that can be applied on other fields 5. Be able to analyze, in an unbiased way, a wide array of important international policy issues0121036蠎蟸Nmf[ EconometricsYON^9 ,g z;N亯/f:N\亯蜰婲蟸Nm孴>yOf[xvz剉f[u霳衏汷臺亯剉蠎蟸Nmf[鍂茓芉Y 惽廸[`N f[u\wQY(Wxvzu6柕kO(u蠎蟸Nmf[蹚Lxvz剉鶺,g齹汻0b霳\(W z-N枡HQ薔蛜鶺,g剉蠎蟸Nmf[俰鮛孴pencR恎€b鏬 俌蟘饛'`邁蠎 鴙sQ'`孴轛R_ 俰噑錘蔛絙7hI{0 z剉;N亯祄講剉匭筟S靊GP緥纇寶 鶺,g轛R_R恎t簨 S靊邁蠎剉鄀OP'` N魜'`錘蔛'Y7h,gR^t簨I{  NCQ孴YCQ轛R_R恎(W蟸寶R恎-N剉擽(u 裈豐蠎剉擽(u _筫頬 匭u'` 錧wQ豐蠎轛R_I{0(WYef[菑 z-N 觺Tf[褃NNyrr 軶脋 z`?e崌eQ筽 \鱊 F? F G@ F F. JA PB  P IC GD FE FF GG F F. HH PI P IJ GK FL F GM FN F. HO PP P IQ GR FS FF GT F F JU PV P IW GX FY F G& F F HZ P[ P I\ G] F^ F_ G` F F' Ja Pb P Ic Gd Fe F Gf F F. Jg Ph  P Ii Gj Fk F Gl F F Jm Pn  P KoL MpM NqN* h>@<dId$ ggD  ??? !"#$%&?()*??-./?12345?789:;<? ¢a颮???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?罙 ??xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?><woProps xmlns="https://web.wps.cn/et/2018/main" xmlns:s="http://schemas.openxmlformats.oCustomXmlParts_Item(1). 颬u鹳啷Wu鹳Item  PropertiesCustomXmlParts_Item(2). 啷Wu鹳`O[u鹳rg/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><woSheetsProps><woSheetProps sheetStid="1" interlineOnOff="0" interlineColor="0" isDbSheet="0" isDashBoardSheet="0"/></woSheetsProps><woBookProps><bookSettings isFilterShared="1" coreConquerUserId="" isAutoUpdatePaused="0" filterType="conn" isMergeTasksAutoUpdate="0" isInserPicAsAttachment="0"/></woBookProps></woProps> ??xml version="1.0" standalone=Item  Properties'CustomXmlParts_Item(3). `O[u鹳帏^u鹳Item  +"yes"?><pixelators xmlns="https://web.wps.cn/et/2018/main" xmlns:s="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/spreadsheetml/2006/main"><pixelatorList sheetStid="1"/><pixelatorList sheetStid="2"/></pixelators> Properties,SummaryInformation(0TDocumentSummaryInformation86? 鄥燆鵒h珣+'迟0$H€PX| OptiPlex 3020 Becky Lyu@€0'圾空@€軙t鹳2WPS Office WWO_dingtalk_20221031101348-1857be321c? 胀諟.摋+,D胀諟.摋+,H(€0 8@ 0t€|KSOProductBuildVerICV2052-$2A0E01CB9FB5411E90EE01ABBAFD1778_12