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Through the learning of sample letters and dialogues, students will learn the commonly used terms and expressions, writing principles and skills applied in the correspondence of international trade, such as enquiries, offers and counter-offers, orders, payment, packing, transport and claims, etc.; Learn the layout and basic writing skills of business reports, memos, and other kinds of business writing; Learn main intercultural theories to understand cultural differences in different countries and their impacts on international business communication.Spring and Summer hgwm English01196480 -N甠聣蟸Nmf[  Intermediate MicroeconomicsWThis course teaches tools and models to analyze economic decision-making and the world around us. By properly modeling the decisions of individuals and firms, this course deepens the student understanding of economic phenomena and teaches the student how to make use of the available data. The course introduces new concepts and new economic environments such as firm behavior under uncertain, monopoly, oligopoly and asymmetric information. The emphasis in this course is on reasoning and understanding, not memorizing. The skills and methods you learn will be repeated in further economic courses.Autumn and Winter 殶薘 01122310 -N齎褢崌 Chinese FinanceThis course provides business and accounting students from foreign countries with a broad knowledge of the history, current development, and future trend of the Chinese finance. Students can learn from three dimensions. Firstly, they can have a broad knowledge about the financial markets and financial products in China. These markets include the stock market, debt market, derivative market, money market, currency market, and commodity market. Secondly, the course will provide different points from academic scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. Important financial policies will also be discussed. Finally, the course will review the important reforms of Chinese financial markets, discuss on the current and future development of Chinese finance.  筫砛 Bilingual01122240 鶹歔6e蕍翄8RR恎孴!j媁 Fixed Income Analytics & ModelsThis course examines fixed-income securities and markets, with an emphasis on the pricing and risk of fixed income securities and portfolios. The objective of this course is to help students develop the analytical skills for properly valuing fixed income securities and managing interest rate and credit risk. A good understanding of fixed income securities, markets, and analysis is essential in both the financial industry and the corporate sector. 笅GY 01120340 齎Ez6e International TaxationInternational taxation is the study on determination of tax on a person or business subject to the tax laws of different countries or the international aspects of an individual country's tax laws. The scope of international taxation encompasses all tax issues arising under a country s income tax laws that include some foreign element. A country must confront these issues when designs its international tax rules and coordinates those rules with the tax systems of its trading partners. In this course, we focus on general principles and fundamental structure. Our main topics include jurisdiction to tax, double taxation relief, transfer pricing, anti-avoidance measures, tax treaties, and emerging issue with ecommerce. Meanwhile, this course will provide actual practices of a variety of countries to help students understand the importance of international taxation to individuals, companies, and governments. 穅{ 01193271 纎盧t簨  Incentive TheoryThis course is a compulsory degree program for undergraduate students of Economics Department in School of Economics in Zhejiang University. It mainly covers how participants in economy cooperate and trade with imperfect or asymmetric information<  environment, includes the following parts: a) Adverse Selection: information is asymmetric before the trading contract is signed. b) Moral Hazard: information is symmetric before the contract is accepted but asymmetric afterwards. c) Signaling (option): information is similar as in Adverse Selection, but the players can send credible signals. The course is mainly lectured by professor; meantime we also encourage students to participate discussion during classes.Spring 鯯uQ0媠]l n 01122220 Mu罷N螛i枴{t  Derivatives and Risk ManagementThis course intends to extend student s knowledge of security valuation and risk management by examining the theory, valuation, and uses of derivative contracts. The course develops a general, but rigorous framework for valuing futures/forwards, options and swaps contracts, shows the interrelations between these contracts and the markets for the underlying securities, discusses financial risk management techniques and applications. 啔tQ齎 *Not open to exchange students01120260 齎E栄憤噁[ International FinanceInternational finance, the core curriculum of finance, is a course that deals with international monetary relations and financial activities. It is not only the major course for majors of finance, commerce and management, but also an elective course for non-economic majors. This course mainly introduces international monetary and financial theories and policies, as well as activities in the international financial markets. The whole course is organized into four parts with 11 Chapters. Part one deals with the balance of payments and theories and policies of international payment adjustment. Part Two introduces the main theory and basic knowledge of foreign exchange and exchange rates, including the concept and types of foreign exchange and exchange rates, exchange rate determination theories, exchange rate system and policies, as well as foreign exchange transactions and exchange rate risk management. Part Three is about the international financial markets, including the composition and activities of the international financial markets, international financing methods and financial market innovations. Part Four introduces the international monetary system and currency crisis theory. hTb 01196220 膲6R蟸Nmf[ Regulation EconomicsThe purpose of this course is to introduce students to the effects of governments in the market failures in a competitive economy. The course will focus on industry structures and firm behavior, including the strategic interactions between firms. We first review firm behavior in various market settings, and discuss market efficiency, perfectly competitive market, market structure, strategic competition, and production efficiency. We then investigate the economics of regulation, that is, the behavior of a natural monopoly and various tools to regulate a natural monopoly. Finally, we examine social regulations, with focuses on the environment, health, and safety.Autumnjl鞐01120880 N膥莮t簨 Industrial Organization TheoryRThis course provides an introduction to industrial organization theory along with applications and nontechnical analyses of the legal system and antitrust laws. The treatment is rigorous and comprehensive. A wide range of models of all widely used market structures, strategic marketing devices, compatibility and standards, advertising, R&D, as well as more traditional topics are considered in versions much simplified from the originals but that retain the basic intuition. It first defines the issues that industrial organization addresses and then develops the tools needed to attack the basic questions. It begins with perfect competition and then considers imperfectly competitive market structures including a wide variety of monopolies, and all forms of quantity and price competitions. The last chapter provides a helpful feature for students by showing how various theories may be related to particular industries but not to others. Topics include: the basics needed to understand modern industrial organization; market structure (monopoly, homogenous produc< ts, differentiated products); mergers and entry; research and development; economics of compatibility and standards; advertising; quality and durability; pricing tactics; marketing tactics; management, compensation, and information; price dispersion and search theory; and special industries.$Autumn and Winter/ Spring and Summer鯯uQ0媅NS踲01121070 齎E?崱Rt # International Financial ManagementThis course belongs to micro corporate finance, with emphasis being put on MNCs operating in international markets and have to deal with all kinds of risks. Four parts are included: Part I introduce us with the international environment in which MNCs are operating; Part II deals with exchange rate risk management; Part III and Part IV discusses short-term and long-term assets and liability management in MNCs.轔m硞01121090 齎E?ff[  International TradeThis course aims to teach students some of the most important theories and models in the field of international trade and to equip students with the ability to apply the analytical tools they learn on real-world matters pertaining to international trade. This course also attempts to cultivate students interests on all economic and social issues related to trade and encourage students to form their own views on the issues. It is expected that, after taking the course, students have a firm grasp on the important theories and models in international trade. It is also expected that they can use these theories and models to analyse real-world issues related to trade. In other words, students are expected to see the connections between theories and reality. [?[0恄z`0hT貫祄'Have both bilingual and english options01122250 -N齎蟸Nm Chinese EconomygThis course aims to provide undergraduate students majored in Economics with a basic understanding of the process of economic reform took place in China since 1978. In addition to the review of important historical episodes, we intend to apply economic concepts and models to analyze various aspects of China's economic transition and development, such as the household responsibility system, township and village enterprises, SOE reform and privatization, international trade and FDI, labor market development, urbanization, financial market development, poverty and income inequality, institutional settings, etc.Ng鵚01120930 lQ鳶褢崌 corporate FinanceCorporate Finance includes investment decision, financing decision, dividend decision, working capital decision, and so on. It is an interdisciplinary about investment, financing and asset management decision-making. This course also refer to a series of basic concepts and methods about the corporate finance, such as time value of money, value at risk, financial analysis, cash flow, cost-volume-profit analysis. The Financial Management emphasize the relationship between theory and decision-making, and actively lead the students to ponder upon the problem about how the corporate finance enhancing the value of company by a mass of cases.hg骻荝0*mk01121060 ZS_簨 Game TheoryIGame theory, the core makeup of microeconomics, has become the basic analytic tool to handle economic and social issues. Therefore, the basic concepts and models in game theory are central concern of this course, including Nash Equilibrium, Sub-game Perfect Nash Equilibrium, Bayesian Nash Equilibrium and Sequential Equilibrium.  _噀鄗 01192071 齎E栍~梴 International Settlements International settlement is an important practical course essential for students majored in international trade and international finance. This course will systematical cover bills used in international settlementthree modes of international settlement, namely remittance, collection and L/Ccommercial documents used in international settlementand import and export trade financing. A great number of international uniform rules and practices as well as case study will also be included. $ %Z [Spring 01122270 lQqQ 愰bt簨 Public Choice TheoryPublic choice refers to the use of economic models and methods to analyze how individuals make collective choices. This course is < designed to provide background knowledge of public choice theory. It will start with the introduction of public goods and externalities, covering the concepts of the Coase Theorem and the tragedy of commons. Then the main part of the course will be primarily concerned with voting models. Using the medium voter model as a base model, it will demonstrate how voters behave under different voting systems, and how they make their decisions on who (or whether) to vote. Finally, the course will shift to focus on the governments and bureaucrats, including the topic of special interests, rent seeking, political business cycles, and bureaucracy. 媠嘯01193520 -N齎"?e Chinese Public FinanceaThis course is designed to provide background knowledge of China s public finance. It will start with the introduction of China s fiscal reforms, how it has evolved to its present state and the implication. Then the main part of the course will be on the rules of China s major taxes and the composition of public expenditure. The course will also cover several important current issues related to China s public finance, such as intergovernmental fiscal relationship, sub-national finance, environmental problems, and government debts. Finally, we will discuss the future prospects of China s public finance. j昮01120350 齎E?昮[ International Marketing7The primary objective of this course is to expose you to issues involved in international marketing. The China business is becoming increasingly more aware of the international marketplace and is looking for employees with international expertise. It is impossible in any one course to teach you how to market every product in every country. In this course, we will look at general examples and frameworks of international marketing through the text, lecture, and discussion. We will also look at one specific example of how to market a product in a country through the group project. By providing the framework and one in-depth example, students should be able to apply this knowledge to the product and country specific examples that will come up in their careers. This course should (a) sensitize students to economic, political, and cultural differences among nations as they influence marketing, (b) introduce students to the international framework of organizations, laws, and practices that affect marketing, (c) develop students abilities to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities abroad, (d) develop student skills in gathering information, drawing conclusions from it, and presenting the material, and (e) give students the opportunity to work on a marketing plan that can be used to show prospective employers.  F柫 01122230 褢崌蠎!j媁  Financial ModelingThis course provides business and accounting students with a broad application of quantitative financial models and analytical tools. This course will teach how to use SAS to analyze practical financial issues quantitatively, including how to collect and organize data, how to simulate data, how to do various cross-sectional, time series and panel data analysis, and how to do some specific studies in research.fs01191130 鰁魰廭RR恎Time Series AnalysisThis course will introduce students to econometric techniques and their applications in economic time series analysis. We will learn both the theory and applications of ARMA models, volatility models, unit root processes and their tests, ADL and vector autoregressions, cointegration and error correction, nonlinear time series models, structural change and forecasts. Detailed examples from macroeconomics, microeconomics, and finance will be used to show students how time series techniques are applied in real data analysis. EViews and MATLAB will be used in class for computer-based estimation and forecast. R, Python and other popular programming languages are also encouraged for exercises.  fs01120990 -N"崱ROf[!Intermediate Financial Accounting!The main contents of this course include four parts: 1) The fundamental theory of financial accounting, including the nature of financial accounting, its rela</tionship with the economic environment, and its conceptual framework. 2) Recognition and measurement of accounting elements (assets, liabilities, stockholders equity, revenue, expense, and profit). 3) Preparation and application of financial statements. 4) Comparison between Chinese and international accounting standards; application of accounting terminology in professional English.  _P[櫉01186300 lQqQ蟸Nmf[ Public EconomicsThis course introduces the theories and policy practice of public economics, in term of the dialectical relationship between the market and the government, the potential mechanisms behind policy formation, and the evaluation methods of public policies. This course aims that help students to think about the roles of government in the economy, and then obtain new ideas on the development of public economic theories through the Chinese economic practice, in order to tell a good story of Chinese economy. This course mainly contains market failure, externality, public goods and optimal public finance policies, optimal taxation policies, causal inference and policy evaluation, income distribution, political selection and political incentives, social choices and welfare etc. This course is distinguished by  telling a good story of the Chinese economy ,  teaching in English ,  discipline interactions , and  learning by doing . 媠嘯 E*Bilingual courses are taught in a combination of English and Chinese*At ZJU, one credit equals to 16 study hours. One study hour equals to 45 minutes in lecture time (excluding time spent on reading, homework, off-class group discussion, and etc.) *Exchange students of School of Economics are also eligible to choose selected courses offered by the School of Management, depending on the course availability. Course offering of School of Management can be found herehttp://en.som.zju.edu.cn/international/incoming.aspx *Not all courses are open every available semester. The actual course opening depends on the final course schedule which will be made available to all enrolling students H: 羳 % d褚MbP?_*+€%&ffffff?'ffffff?(?)?" d333333?333333?& U} €B} €D} @B} @A}  CB} B} B} €B} `B} @ B}  BR GR ER D  v€@  @   b    b : €A  '      b    @ '  €B €B <B C ; ; ; E F E E E E E E E~ G? H G G I G~ G@ G GG@ D H G G I G~ G@ G GG@ D H G G I G~ G@ G GG@ D H G G I G~ G@ G G~ G@ H! G" G# I$ G~ G@ G% G~ G@ H& G' G( I) G*~ G@ G+ G~ G@ H, G- G. 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