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The contents include the fundamental of chemical reaction, reaction rate, material structure, life-science related organic chemistry and coordination chemistry, and so on, as well as the introduction of modern instrumental analytical methods like single crystal X-ray diffraction, chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, etc. The course is focusing on teaching the students the processes of learning knowledge of chemistry, the ideas and methods of scientific researches. The contents of this course have clear characteristic of current age and significant feature of multidiscipline cross-teaching.   7 剺頞 z亯Bl甠飝R 7 癳nfSf[,{孨Hr  7 恄飠0Rn0B€vfvf 7褃f[鶴Hr>y 7恄飠 筫噀決 B€vfvf 坙廩 7 nfSf[,{NHr  7 nfSf[烻t,{4Hr  7NSd_噀I{ 7S琋'Yf[鶴Hr>y 1. Chemistry: the Central Science. (13th Ed.), Theodore L. Brown et al, Pearson Education, 2015. 2. General Chemistry Principles and Modern Applications (10th Ed.) Ralph H. Petrucci Prentice-International 2011. 3. Fundamentals of Chemistry (5th Ed.), D E Goldberg, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2007. 4. 蛻亯Sf[{|g R孴鴙sQ z`?eD崣e0 5.  zYef[Q賨 Ym_l'Yf[nfSf[MOOC  https://www.icourse163.org/u/7093715299?userId=1443252802 Ym_l'Yf[緗罷 zQ賨  http://jpck.zju.edu.cn/eln/200704191507210687/index.jsp?cosid=1017  7******** 7N f[`N顅h 鶺嶯Nt^f[u剉f[褃鶺@x孴*geg裇U\桞l _黐諲霳(WSf[Nf[褃B\b N哊銐皊鉔Sf[剉hQ寣 衏GSSf[f[褃8h胈 }{Q0(WSf[匭筟剉f[`N-N 鑜蛻哊銐Sf[鍂茓孴褃f[觺簨剉穬諷菑 z SOO瀃寶f[褃剉N,xvz`飴 t銐褃f[xvz剉鶺,g`骮孴筫誰 恊k鵚{Q褃f[R癳剉a茓0_黐f[u觺T匭Ye^矉坈 )R(u皊鉔酧o`€b/g_U\N歔蠎剉Y桘 _觔褃f[茐螒 鵚{Q陙;Nf[`N孴鍂茓觔U\剉齹汻0 孨 瞼篘顅h 衏紁Sf[鍂茓SO鹼-N@bt?T剉`?e鱊e'`0奲f[褃筫誰簨Yef[N褃f[緗^y剉鵚{Q觺Tw峞g 衏貧f[ucknx茓0R恎孴銐砆顣槝剉齹汻0鑜蛻褃f[`魚剉瓔脋孴褃f[&Ot剉Ye瞼 鵚{Qf[u"}*g鍂0龔Blwt0荝e褃f[貧餦剉#嶜Na孴O}Ta 猂汻肙蹚f[u(W陙;Nf[`N0eP穅b0#嶜N舃S_0瀃鯈R癳I{筫b棗_0R裇U\0  N 颯Km蠎觺済 惽怇X▼簨0 z\ON06柕kKm諎0桘嫢bJT錘蔛g+g{諎I{痵倐Km蠎f[u剉錘 Nf[`N觺済0 1 齹t銐Sf[(Wir(嵮yf[-N剉-N胈0WMO孴蛻亯\O(u0 2 宑醕蛻亯Sf[俰鮛孴鶺,g烻t 哊銐Sf[f[褃剉hQ寣 茓Sf[Nirt0uir0Pg檈0;So僆{f[褃剉芠RT€鹼0 4 哊銐Sf[xvz剉褃f[筫誰蔛鵞vQ諲ir(嵮yf[f[褃剉\O(u孴aIN0 5 齹YR珟SOO瀃鯈瀃寶 /f纇寶wtt簨 剉/UNh芉 t銐t簨梺N璭裇U\孾刄 鍂S恲b$R'`0W譙MR篘鍂茓剉蛻亯'`0 6 齹Yt銐Sf[鍂茓孴膲媉-N@bt?T剉0N蘙騎t孴`?e匭祄0 7 Rek宑醕Sf[噀.sD崣e剉纇"}筫誰 b_b陙;Nf[`NSf[鍂茓剉齹汻0 j  7+0 z匭筟0;`觺*******0`?e崌eQ筽0瀃r^tQ  疧l6R眡00瞼篘顅h0禰齎臽`  7 ,g z(WSf[Nf[褃B\b N薔蛜皊鉔Sf[f[褃剉hQ寣0 z匭筟S靊Sf[蚐擽鶺,g烻t0蚐擽悋s0ir(嵱~刧0Nu}T褃f[鴙sQ剉 g:gSf[0M慚OSf[I{ v^薔蛜USvfX\縹觺刧R恎0r?0YIQ1孖{皊鉔闚hVR恎筫誰0 z鑜蛻矉坈Sf[鍂茓剉穬諷菑 z 薔蛜褃f[xvz剉`骮孴筫誰0 z匭筟wQ g儚湝f剉鰁鉔yr乢 (Wf[褃蒘剉Yef[筫b g>fW剏rr0衏紁,g z鴙sQ剉瞼篘CQ } 煴Rf[u藌硩-N齎'Y0W蹚Lxvz'`f[`N 鵚{Qf[u"}*g鍂0龔Blwt剉#嶜Na孴O}Ta 肙蹚f[u(W陙;Nf[`N0eP穅b0#嶜N舃S_0瀃鯈R癳I{筫b棗_0R裇U\0P Q  7z0 z匭筟0陗簨 z薔蛜 0;N亯Tf[u薔蛜Sf[f[褃啒遅孴f[`N筫誰01 Sf[f[褃hQ寣Sf[(Wir(嵮yf[-N剉MOn孴\O(uSf[NvQ僛f[褃剉T€鹼02 ,g z剉f[`N筫誰孴f[`N亯Bl00`?e崌eQ筽0褃f[`魚孴褃f[筫誰00瞼篘顅h0燫:_f[u鵞f[褃剉 Ta0 U ` e w x  7Ym_l'Yf[XXX zYef['Y瞺7h婳  7nfSf[ 7B? 3-v}-?C.??r7 ccT 珋PK!檗?[Content_Types].xml瑧薔?E鱄鼉?J湶@%閭菐洽|廊?韶钵UL襎B l,?鳛;鉹得槣B+$G]ミ7O侪V墎瞂@x%PK!褠煻'theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.rels剰M ?匃倃oo雍?輬协勪56?$Q祉?.嘺緳i粭澤c2?h:闀q毩m胳嶡RN壻;d癭値o7g慘(M&$R(.1榬'J摐袏T鶂?V?&A然蠬鱱}狇|?絙{朠?除8塯/]As賲(⑵锑#洩L蔥汉倪PK-!檗?[Content_Types].xmlPK-!ブх6 0_rels/.relsPK-!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xmlPK-!霜&囂theme/theme/theme1.xmlPK-!褠煻' theme/theme/_rels/themeManager.xml.relsPK]  T8 E皏^◥钂 d褚MbP?_*+€%&殭櫃櫃?'(333333?)M HP Laser 103 107 108$'讈 4dXA4SECD x-Arial€€€Untitled0:0:0:0:0dX222222222A4dddddd   4 4 4 4 *秋d€€€Arial寣<(" d,,??&U} E @@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ D<EEEEE >? >F F F > F= F F > A* > G) F F F F >C >? > ? > A+ > ? > ? >? >? >? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? > ? 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