英国皇家工程院士Nigel Slater讲座
发布日期: 2017-05-31 来源:dwjl 2292
题目: An audit of Science and Innovation in the Cambridge Region
主讲人: Nigel Slater教授(英国皇家工程院士、剑桥大学前副校长)
主持人:杨柳勇教授 44118太阳成城集团副院长
时间:2017年6月2日(周五)上午 10:00-12:00
The seminar will describe a recent high level audit of Science and Innovation that we have carried out in the Cambridge region. This region in the East of England is an amazing place. It is a region rich in science and innovation assets and awash with the finest scientific and technical talent – but our audit was designed to find out whether we could go even further, driving the exploitation of science and technology and capitalising on our research excellence for the benefit of the region and the country. We realise that we must continue to invest in our scientific and industrial research base, develop our local skills base and attract the very best minds and investment from around the globe. We therefore sought to determine, in the chosen four themes of Life Sciences, Agri-Tech, Advanced Materials & Manufacturing and Information and Computer Technology, what is the very best of our region and to present the findings to our Government and industry in a coherent and useful fashion, so that the true contribution that our science and innovation makes to the local and national economy is understood. We also aim to widen the economic benefit throughout our region, which is by no means uniformly affluent, so that the benefits of scientific innovation can improve the lives of all the region’s population.
Nigel Slater教授简历
Nigel is the former Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Enterprise and Regional Affairs in the University of Cambridge and is a Professor and Head of the Department of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology. He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and a Fellow and Donald Medal holder of the IChemE for outstanding services to the field of Biochemical Engineering. He was President of Fitzwilliam College in the University of Cambridge from 2009 to 2013. Nigel’s career has been in bio-manufacturing and biopharmaceutical development, the principal areas of focus of the BioScience Engineering Research Group at Cambridge. He has held research management positions in industry and academia, and has authored 140 papers on aspects of bioprocessing in international journals. Nigel has extensive experience of biopharmaceuticals and their development through to clinical testing. Nigel’s current research interests lie in the formulation of complex biopharmaceuticals so that they can be distributed and used more effectively throughout the world.