Brandeis University 宣讲会

发布日期: 2017-05-26 来源:dwjl 2597
题目:Brandeis International Business School MSF与MA in Econ and Finance项目
主讲人: Peter Petri 院长、教授
主持人:王义中   44118太阳成城集团   教授
时间:2017531日(周三)下午 1400
Peter A. Petri is the Carl J. Shapiro Professor of International Finance in the International Business School and a Senior Fellow of the East-West Center. From 1994 to 2006, he served as the founding Dean of the International Business School. Petri has held appointments as Visiting Scholar or Professor at the OECD (Paris), Keio University (Tokyo), Fudan University (Shanghai) and Peking University (Beijing), and as Fulbright Research Scholar and Brookings Policy Fellow. He has consulted for APEC, the Asian Development Bank, the Asian Development Bank Institute, the World Bank, the OECD, the United Nations and the governments of the United States and other countries. He is active in US-Asia affairs and is a member of the Board of the U.S. Asia Pacific Council, the International Advisory Group of the PECC Trade Policy Forum, and the International Steering Committee of PAFTAD. He is a former Chair of the U.S. APEC Study Center Consortium. Peter received his bachelor degree and PHD from Harvard University.
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